Moondram Ulaga Por is a powerful novel by Kaviperarasu Vairamuthu, a prolific Tamil writer/poet/lyricist. The story revolves around the idea that the consequences of mankind's actions will have to be suffered by the future generations. It is a story about the Earth and the atmosphere, about the people and the harm inflicted by them on their homeland.
The title literally translates to 'Third World War' and is one of the most important works of Vairamuthu. The writing is marked by metaphors that cut like swords and stinging similes on societal norms and dogma. Vairamuthu takes us into the heartland of agony and angst perpetuated by the apathy of our leaders. The story exercises strong imagery of the suffering of Indian farmers that brings the reader to the verge of tears.
Moondram Ulaga Por chronicles the life of a poor Indian farmer and his suffering amidst such unfair inflictions as global warming and globalisation, for which he is unprepared and defenseless. Though narrated through the eyes of a local farmer, the novel documents many global truths. The book was published in 2012 by Thirumagal Nilayam. It is available in hardcover.
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Author:kavipperasu Vairamuththu
Moondram Ulaga Por is a powerful novel by Kaviperarasu Vairamuthu, a prolific Tamil writer/poet/lyricist. The story revolves around the idea that the consequences of mankind's actions will have to be suffered by the future generations. It is a story about the Earth and the atmosphere, about the people and the harm inflicted by them on their homeland.
The title literally translates to 'Third World War' and is one of the most important works of Vairamuthu. The writing is marked by metaphors that cut like swords and stinging similes on societal norms and dogma. Vairamuthu takes us into the heartland of agony and angst perpetuated by the apathy of our leaders. The story exercises strong imagery of the suffering of Indian farmers that brings the reader to the verge of tears.
Moondram Ulaga Por chronicles the life of a poor Indian farmer and his suffering amidst such unfair inflictions as global warming and globalisation, for which he is unprepared and defenseless. Though narrated through the eyes of a local farmer, the novel documents many global truths. The book was published in 2012 by Thirumagal Nilayam. It is available in hardcover.
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