The Crime Busters’ LeagueWhen an annual boring family gathering in an isolated farmhouse turned out to be a gathering of the world’s most devious. With uncle Ravi’s immensely valuable designs stolen and his company refusing to call in the police, it is upto 14-year old Kavya, Raima and Varun, aided by Anna (Kavya’s older cousin), to solve the mystery. Blood-thirsty alien monsters. Killer cars. Hounds of horror. Rogue spies. Menacing threats. Six deadly Chinese daggers. A gun between the eyes. And it only gets worse. Will the mystery busters succeed before the guests leave the farmhouse? But first, will they escape death that lurks around them? Stifle your fears and sharpen your intelligence as you hurtle into a treacherous whirlpool with the Crime Busters on their first adventure.
SKU-CDHOJCAR4FEAuthor:Ketaki Karnik
The Crime Busters’ LeagueWhen an annual boring family gathering in an isolated farmhouse turned out to be a gathering of the world’s most devious. With uncle Ravi’s immensely valuable designs stolen and his company refusing to call in the police, it is upto 14-year old Kavya, Raima and Varun, aided by Anna (Kavya’s older cousin), to solve the mystery. Blood-thirsty alien monsters. Killer cars. Hounds of horror. Rogue spies. Menacing threats. Six deadly Chinese daggers. A gun between the eyes. And it only gets worse. Will the mystery busters succeed before the guests leave the farmhouse? But first, will they escape death that lurks around them? Stifle your fears and sharpen your intelligence as you hurtle into a treacherous whirlpool with the Crime Busters on their first adventure.