Valarmathi, Newly married girl works as an informer to the police, without the knowledge of her family members, finds herself in trouble along with her entire team, when she touches the hot spot of unethical testing of biotechnology invention by unscrupulous power houseson downtrodden and weaker ones . The story plots revolves around Valarmathi and her actions guided by her bold instincts. Nicely build mega thriller penned by Crime Novelist Rajeshkumar lead the readers to edge of the seat.
Valarmathi, Newly married girl works as an informer to the police, without the knowledge of her family members, finds herself in trouble along with her entire team, when she touches the hot spot of unethical testing of biotechnology invention by unscrupulous power houseson downtrodden and weaker ones . The story plots revolves around Valarmathi and her actions guided by her bold instincts. Nicely build mega thriller penned by Crime Novelist Rajeshkumar lead the readers to edge of the seat.